Love Never Fails

Love Never Fails
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

6 weeks 3 days

We had our first Dr's appointment today. It was fairly simple. They did a pregnancy test. Which means I'm officially pregnant. I was also sent for blood work. Ouch! Really it wasn't that bad. They gave me a goodie bag with all kinds of magazines and coupons. That was cool. And my Dr. gives out a copy of What to Expect When Your Expecting. I glanced threw it and it's okay. I have also been reading Your Pregnancy week by week by Curtis, M.D.,M.P.H. and Schuler, M.S.. I LOVE this book. Both have a lots of stuff in it that could go wrong, I read it with a grain of salt. I know it is important to know these things but a pregnant chick has enough on her mind with out adding to it. So read it so you know but don't freak out over it.
I love the pictures in this book and unlike the other one it does show the pictures week by week. I like this cause it really helps my daughter and hubby understand. I also enjoy knowing next week my baby will be the size of a small coffee bean. That's so cute! It also has Dad Tips in it like, clean and vacuum the living room for no reason, and my favorite "Make it a habit to pull out your favorite pregnancy book and read together about what is happening each week in your pregnancy.

I was on clomid for ovulation... so I asked my Dr. to run a HcG test on me also. This is a pregnancy blood test but it can also let you know a few weeks before your ultrasound if you are having twins. It is calculated by how many days since your last period and what the level is. It will be double to triple the reading for multiples compared to the single child reading. You have to do your research on this to know what to look for.

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